Pan American Snooker Championships

Pan American Billiards and Snooker Association (PABSA) organizes Pan American Snooker Championships (PANAM) every year. It is hosted by one of the member country associations and has been held in the past at Canada, USA and Brazil.

The event features the main Open Championship, in which the winner is awarded a place on the WST professional tour with a two-year entry card, and the Seniors Championship, with the winner qualifying for the World Snooker Seniors Championship held every year at the Crucible Theatre.

The tournaments are generally held together (one after the other and at the same location). The goal is to rotate the hosting of the tournament amongst the major playing nations of the North and South American region. Previous tournaments were held at Brazil (2023), Canada (2024, 2022, 2021) and USA (2020).


In accordance with the Rules of PABSA, entrants must be:

  1. 1. A citizen of any of the Member or Associate Countries of PABSA from the 41 nations which make up the Pan American Olympic Movement – with a special dispensation for legal “Permanent residents” of those member countries who have resided for a continuous period of the past FIVE YEARS and have NO PREVIOUS representation for a foreign nation in ANY international snooker championship.
  2. 2. PAN-AMERICAN SNOOKER SENIORS is open to people over 40 years of age and with the same conditions as (1) above.
  3. 3. An individual member of PABSA.


Please note: a player from a non-member country wanting to play in the Championships may contact our Chief Coordinator of Latin America: Junior Umaña Alvarado at

Details of 2025 Championships (including link to Tournament Document) can be found here: Pan-American Snooker Championships 2025
